Why don't I blog?

This question is one I have asked myself too many times to count over the years. I visit blogs nearly every work day. Most of them dealing with tricks, tips, or techniques of how to write a piece of code. I'd say 99% of blogs I visit have to do with my job, writing custom code to be displayed in internet browsers.

For fun I'm finally gong to answer that question, or better yet, list my excuses:
  • I don't have time.
  • I'm not a good writer.
  • Why would anyone care/Who would read it?

So, boiled down, there they are! I'm busy, I suck, & who cares.

Truth be told, I am busy. I have 4 kids (ages: 3,6,11, & 14). So this excuse has some legs. But I'm sure that I'm not the only one who is busy. Now the last two excuses are just that, excuses! And I'm ready to stop making them. I do some pretty cool shit, and even if it's just for me, I'd like to start to write about it. So actually, I'll be forced to become a better writer through blogging? Possible I guess. Who's going to read it? I don't even care. Even if I can share one cool thing that helps one person then that's probably enough to keep me going for a little while.

So expect most of my posts to deal with writing Code! I might even touch on some of the other important things in my life occasionally like Wife & Kids, Sports, and BBQ. 

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